5 Telework Tips

Teleworking can be incredibly convenient, as it cuts out commuting stress and costs, creates flexibility, and allows you to work without typical office distractions. Working from home has an abundant number of perks, but even the most productive teleworkers can get distracted at home.

Whether you work from home every day or have the opportunity to enjoy a telework day once per month, we have five hacks for making your telework days the most productive days of your workweek. 

1.         Clear distractions before going to bed.

Waking up and being able to dive right into your work distraction-free is critical. Before you go to bed, put your dishes away, clear off your workspace, and if you’re a seasoned teleworker, get rid of what you know typically distracts from your workflow. Make a list of what distracts or bothers you, so that you can make the most of your telework days.

2.         Get dressed as usual.

Get dressed as if you were heading into the office. While rolling out of bed and keeping your pajama pants on may be comfortable, your comfy clothes may cause you to feel like you are just hanging out at home, not working from home. Not only can getting dressed make you feel put together, but it can also help to boost your energy. Some teleworkers even report that putting their shoes on is a crucial step in getting dressed and feeling ready for the day when working at home.

3.         Designate a workspace.

Designate a specific area in your home as your workspace. This space should signal that it is ready to sit down and start working. Whether it be your kitchen table or an entire room, choose a distraction-free, comfortable spot. Natural light is also a plus.

4.         Take a break.

Step away from your desk periodically to give your brain and body a refresh. We all need this, even during a workday in the office. Whether you take a walk around the block, drink a cup of coffee while flipping through a magazine, or enjoy lunch away from your workspace, these little breathers are essential.

5.         Transition from office hours.

End the workday on an organized note. For many of us, disorganization often leads to unproductive days. End your workday by straightening up your desk, closing out your browsers, and getting prepared to start fresh tomorrow. Take a few minutes to close out your day. A little will go a long way when jumping back online.